Thursday, September 19, 2013

What is a friend is to me....

A friend is someone who is there no matter what.  In good times & bad. They support you when all hell breaks loose or when you win the lottery. There is no jealousy when something good happens & when the bad times hit they only have encouraging words, but they are honest with you about everything. 

A friend picks you up & never drags you down.  They will laugh with you & sometime cry for you. They will give you hope when there seems to be none at all.  Don't forget a friend is always honest.  A friend never asks the impossible. Some friends will go to the ends of the earth for you. They will do silly things to make you giggle. A friend loves you, they keep your secrets & they never break a promise. They listen when u need to talk & they will tell you to shut up when you get on their nerves. Then you can both laugh about it.

Friendships take two. Friends work together, play together & sometimes even solve the whole worlds problems in one little conversation. haha 
This is the way true friends roll.  

Friendship is an awesome thing. 
Thanks for all of you who are my friends. xoxo your friend, Cheryl aka Mim


  1. THank you for your friendship, Cheryl. :)

  2. Cheryl! This was absolutely beautiful and profound! You never cease to amaze me with your brilliant words of wisdom! This was written so beautifully!

    1. Oh Thanks so much. What a lovely comment. your friend, Cheryl :)

  3. And sing REM at inappropriate times :p

    1. haha, This must be my bestfriend for 5 yrs, mrs. buttercup. Haha Yes I love REM. lol. Thanks for dropping by. :) luv ya

  4. This was lovely Cheryl :) they way it was written was so lovely as are you :)

    Kate x
